Do not worry; it is enough that you have faith: Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró
Sunday, June 30, 2024 13th of Ordinary Time

Father Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, June 30, 2024, entitled “Do not be afraid; it is enough that you have faith.”
Today we contemplate in the gospel two new miracles of Jesus: the healing of the hemorrhagic woman and the resurrection of Jairus’ daughter.
With these miracles, Jesus wants to strengthen the faith of his disciples and also yours and mine, because so many times we live full of fear, like them: Why are you so cowards? Do you still have no faith? Jesus had told them after calming the storm.
Leaving the pagan territories where Jesus has been invited to leave, Jesus now returns to the other shore of the lake, where the seed of his Word has already “fallen,” and he meets Jairus, head of the synagogue, who asks Jesus the healing of his daughter.
While he is on his way, the hemorrhagic woman approaches Jesus, interested. She has a relative faith in the power of Christ and will have to “grow” until she overcomes “fear” and reaches a personal encounter with the Lord and, thus, be able to hear: Daughter, your faith has saved you.
She has obtained from Jesus a health that is much more than the cure of an illness: salvation. Jesus makes her live true life and authentic peace.
Jairus has faith that God works through Jesus, which is why he approaches him to ask for the healing of his daughter.
But Jesus will help him grow in faith: Don’t be afraid, just have faith. By resurrecting his daughter, Jesus is showing her that He is more than a prophet: he is the Messiah.
By healing a hemorrhoid, a person wounded in the depths of herself being, being considered impure by the law, Jesus shows himself as the only doctor capable of granting the person their genuine dignity, true life and authentic peace. By resurrecting Jairus’ daughter, Jesus manifests himself as the one who has the power to communicate life, even to those who lie in death.
Today, the Lord says the same words to us: Do not fear, just have faith. The Lord invites you to approach Him, to touch Him, to give Him your wounds and your “deaths”: fears, failures, misunderstandings, frustrations, impotence, weaknesses, sins, complexes…
Come Holy Spirit! (cf. Luke 11, 13).

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