Dilexit nos: Francis’ Fourth Encyclical for “a world that seems to have lost its heart”

A call to rediscover divine love in times of crisis and celebrate 350 years of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

On Thursday, October 24, Pope Francis’ fourth encyclical will be published, entitled Dilexit nos (He loved us), focused on devotion to the Heart of Jesus. Announced during a general audience in June, this document will gather reflections from previous magisterial texts and will be launched in the context of the 350th anniversary of the first manifestation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which took place in 1673.

A Call to Change Perspective

At a critical moment for humanity, marked by wars, social and economic inequalities, and excessive consumerism, the Pope invites us to transform the way we look at the world. Through Dilexit nos, Francis calls for a change of perspective and objectives, remembering what is truly important: the heart.

The document, subtitled “Encyclical Letter on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus Christ,” will be published on October 24. During his announcement, the Pope expressed his hope that the text would invite meditation on the Lord’s love and offer guidance on the path of ecclesial renewal. In addition, it seeks to communicate a meaningful message to a world that seems to have lost its essence.

350th Anniversary Celebrations

The encyclical is published in a special period of celebrations that extend from December 27, 2023 to June 27, 2025, commemorating the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. Three centuries ago, Jesus appeared to this young religious woman in the convent of Paray-le-Monial, France, entrusting her with the mission of spreading his love for humanity, especially toward sinners.

The Evolution of the Cult of the Sacred Heart

The cult of the Sacred Heart emerged at the end of the Enlightenment, in a context of strong internal debate in the Church. In 1856, Pope Pius IX extended the celebration of the Sacred Heart to the entire Church, leading to a wide diffusion of this devotion during the 19th century. Pius XII’s Haurietis aquas, published in 1956, sought to revitalize the cult at a time of crisis, inviting the Church to better understand the different forms of devotion and their relevance to the modern world.

The Devotion of Francis

Pope Francis has demonstrated a deep bond with the Sacred Heart, connecting it to the mission of priests. In 2016, during the closing of the Jubilee of Priests, he emphasized the importance of directing the heart toward those who are distant, recalling that the heart of Christ is the center of mercy.

Presentation of Dilexit nos

Dilexit nos will be presented in the Vatican Press Office on October 24 by Archbishop Bruno Forte and Sister Antonella Fraccaro, highlighting its relevance in the current context of the Church and the world. This encyclical joins Francis’ previous ones, such as Lumen fidei, Laudato si’, and Fratelli tutti, and is expected to inspire a renewed commitment to the love and devotion that the Heart of Jesus