Dicastery for Doctrine of the Faith will present a document on human dignity

The declaration “Dignitas infinite” will be published next Monday and presented the same day in the Vatican Press Office by Cardinal Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery, the Secretary Monsignor Armando Matteo and Professor Paola Scarcella

“Infinite Dignitas” is the title of the declaration on the topic of human dignity prepared by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which will be published on April 8.

The document will be presented that same day, at noon, in a conference at the Press Office of the Holy See, by Cardinal Prefect Víctor Manuel Fernández, by Monsignor Armando Matteo, secretary of the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery, and by Professor Paola Scarcella, professor at Tor Vergata University and Lumsa University in Rome, responsible for Catechesis for people with disabilities in the Community of San Egidio.

The press conference will be broadcast live in its original language on the Vatican News YouTube channel, connecting to the site. You will be able to access the simultaneous translation channels and listen to the press conference in Italian, English, and Spanish.

Since November 2023, the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith led by Cardinal Fernández has published several documents in response to questions from bishops or cardinals on various issues: the possibility of transsexual people receiving Baptism, as well as the children of homosexual couples even if they are born from a surrogacy; the prohibition of Catholics from enrolling in Freemasonry; the placement of the ashes of the deceased; promoting access of single mothers to the Sacraments. On December 18, the same Dicastery published the doctrinal document Fiducia Supplicans, which opens the possibility of blessing “irregular” couples, but outside any ritualization and imitation of marriage.