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25 December, 2024

2 min

December 25: The Great Day of Christmas

Today, in the city of David, a Savior has been born to you, the Messiah, the Lord

December 25: The Great Day of Christmas

Gospel Reflection

Today’s Gospel, Luke 2:15-20, tells us how the shepherds, after receiving the news from the angel about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, go to meet him and find him in the manger, next to Mary and Joseph. After seeing him, they are filled with joy and begin to tell everyone what they have seen and heard. This event marks the fulfillment of God’s promise: the Savior has come to the world, in the humility of a child.

Christmas is the day when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Emmanuel, “God with us.” In that humble manger, God makes himself present in the midst of humanity, bringing light, hope and salvation. Today is a day to marvel at the immense love of God, who became man to be among us and redeem us.

Purpose for the day

Today, reflect on the deep mystery of Christmas: God’s coming into the world in human form. Take time to give thanks for the gift of salvation and for the presence of Jesus in your life. Today, especially, reflect on the gift of peace and love that Jesus brings to your home and your heart.

How to live Christmas as a family

As a family, celebrate Christmas with joy, gratitude, and prayer. You can begin the day with a Christmas Mass, share a festive meal, and reflect on how each member of the family can follow the example of the shepherds, bringing the joy of the Gospel to others. Remember that the true spirit of Christmas is not in material gifts, but in the love and peace that we can share with those around us.

You can also make a commitment as a family to continue living the values ​​of Christmas throughout the year: generosity, peace, humility, and love for our neighbor.

During these days of Advent, we have reflected on how to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. From the call to conversion and the joy that the Messiah brings, to the profound humility of Mary and St. Joseph in accepting God’s will, each of the articles of these days has guided us to delve deeper into the Christian values ​​of faith, hope, and love.

Today we culminate this time of preparation with the great day of Christmas, remembering that Jesus was born to bring us salvation, light, and hope. The celebration of Christmas is the culminating moment of Advent, when waiting turns into joy and Thanksgiving.

Prayer for the day

“Lord Jesus, today we celebrate with joy and gratitude your birth among us. We thank you for the immense gift of your love, and we ask you to help us live each day with the peace and hope that you bring to the world. Bless our family, and may we always follow you with faith, hope, and charity. Amen.”

May this Christmas Day fill us with joy and inspire us to live the love and peace that Christ has brought to us. Merry Christmas!