13 March, 2025

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Christianity and politics: How to get involved without losing values?

The commitment of Catholics in the political sphere

Christianity and politics: How to get involved without losing values?
Pexels . Todoran Bogdan

The commitment of Catholics in politics is an essential dimension of the experience of faith, which seeks to build a more just and supportive society. However, this involvement must be carried out without compromising the fundamental values ​​of Christianity. In this article we explore the principles that guide the political participation of the faithful and how they can positively influence society.

Foundations of Christian political commitment

The Catholic Church has emphasized the importance of the active participation of the laity in public life. In the apostolic exhortation Christifideles Laici, Pope John Paul II emphasizes that the lay faithful are called to contribute to the common good, impregnating temporal realities with evangelical values. “Faith working through love” (Gal 5:6) is the driving force that must inspire every political action.

Likewise, the Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes that it is up to those who exercise authority to reaffirm the values ​​that foster trust and mutual service among members of society. Politics is not alien to morality, but a field where the truth of the Gospel can and must be witnessed to.

Principles for political participation consistent with faith

To get involved in politics without losing Christian values, it is essential to consider the following principles:

  1. Defense of human dignity: All political action must protect and promote the inherent dignity of each person, from conception to natural death. John Paul II stated: “A democracy without values ​​easily becomes a visible or covert totalitarianism” (Centesimus Annus, 46).
  2. Search for the common good: Policies must be oriented toward the well-being of all members of society, especially the most vulnerable. Benedict XVI, in Caritas in Veritate, stressed: “Commitment to the common good must translate into a constant effort for justice and integral human development” (n. 7).
  3. Subsidiarity and solidarity: It is essential to balance the responsibility of institutions and the initiative of individuals and communities, encouraging collaboration and mutual support. Solidarity without subsidiarity can lead to paternalism, while subsidiarity without solidarity can lead to abandonment.
    Promoting justice and peace: Working for just systems that prevent violence and promote reconciliation and social harmony. Pope Francis has insisted that “politics, so denigrated, is one of the most precious forms of charity, because it seeks the common good” (Fratelli Tutti, 180).

Contemporary challenges and the Church’s stance

Catholics today face challenges when participating in politics, such as the temptation to adopt ideologies that may contradict Christian principles. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in its Doctrinal Note on some questions concerning the commitment and conduct of Catholics in political life, warns of the need to maintain coherence between faith and political action, avoiding supporting laws or policies that contradict the fundamental values ​​of the Gospel.

John Paul II warned that “it is not possible to appeal to freedom of conscience to justify decisions contrary to the moral law” (Evangelium Vitae, 68). Benedict XVI, for his part, affirmed: “Christians cannot renounce the task of illuminating politics with the light of the Gospel” (Address to the German Parliament, September 22, 2011).

Pope Francis has emphasized the importance of a “new presence” of Catholics in politics, which involves not only new faces, but also methods that forge critical and constructive alternatives: “We cannot remain closed in our communities when the world needs us as a leaven of justice and peace” (Evangelii Gaudium, 183).

The political participation of Catholics is a concrete expression of faith in action. By adhering to the principles of the Church’s social teaching and maintaining ongoing formation in the faith, Catholics can contribute effectively to the building of a society that reflects Gospel values, without compromising its spiritual integrity. Politics, understood as service, is fertile ground for lay holiness and the transformation of the world according to Christian principles.
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Patricia Jiménez Ramírez

Soy una mujer comprometida con mi familia, con una sólida experiencia empresarial y una profunda dedicación al hogar. Durante años trabajé en diversos entornos empresariales, liderando equipos y gestionando proyectos de impacto. Sin embargo, en los últimos años he tomado la decisión de centrarme en mi hogar y dedicar más tiempo a mi marido e hijos, quienes son mi mayor prioridad. Mi experiencia en el ámbito empresarial me ha brindado valiosas habilidades en gestión del tiempo, organización, liderazgo y resolución de problemas, que ahora aplico en mi vida familiar para fomentar un ambiente armonioso y saludable para todos