Cheer up…! Do not give up!
Stories of Courage and Faith: How to Overcome Adversity with Strength and Hope

The word spirit etymologically derives from the Latin “animus” which in turn comes from a Greek word meaning “breath.” Now, according to the RAE, this word is associated with courage, energy, effort, attitude, disposition and temper, among other meanings.
In the following lines, I will share two stories that happen in everyday life. Both are very close to my life and the lessons obtained have some points in common, from my point of view.
My older brother is celebrating his 59th birthday these days, and more than 10 years ago, the business that he founded and that he ran had a fire in his administrative premises and warehouses. As he is dedicated to importing floor coverings, at that time roll carpets, most of the merchandise was lost. Firefighters had to work for more than 6 hours to control the fire.
However, that was not all, because the machinery and equipment were also affected, as well as the adjacent (neighboring) properties; Although he had insurance, it did not cover 100%. Today the company is about to turn 22 years old, I have been part of it for a decade and as Jorge says, not even the fire and the pandemic could stop us. Let’s go with faith!
While the protagonist of the other story is Aida Caridad, my mother’s older sister who died in February 2022, after fighting a brave battle against cancer (she received a little more than eighteen chemotherapies) and then died complicated with Covid-19. She always maintained an attitude, disposition and temper that many of us would like to have, without any complaints about what she was experiencing.
I believe this was because in her youth, through her profession as a nurse, she felt the feelings of the sick on a daily basis. She was very strong. She knew how to cultivate patience and, above all, her spiritual life, and she had the will and strength to say goodbye to César Augusto, my cousin, and his children who arrived from Europe where they have lived for several decades. I always remember her with a sincere smile and her characteristic greeting: “How are you mijo, how are Jessi and the girls?”
Now, although these two stories are personal, one with an event associated with professional or business life and the other associated with the issue of health, I consider that, from my point of view, they have a characteristic in common, because through the repetitive exercise of the will, they developed a habit and this ended up becoming a virtue, in this specific case, the Christian virtue of Faith.
- Because Faith is contact with a non-palpable reality.
- Because Faith is believing in what our eyes do not see.
- Because Faith, finally, brings you inner peace, which all human beings, without exception to religious creed, long for.
If you have reached these lines and are going through some type of problem, be it family, economic, work, business or health (which is the most important thing) as my mother says, without health you can’t do any of the rest of the things possible, I harangue you… “Courage up, Don’t give up”, you are not alone. Look for the friend who never fails.
Finally, I share with you a quote from Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta…, about spiritual strength.
“Always keep in mind that the skin wrinkles,
The hair turns white,
days turn into years…
But the important thing does not change;
Your strength and your conviction is ageless.
Your spirit is the duster of any spider web.
Behind every finish line, there is a starting line.
Behind every achievement, there is another challenge.
While you’re alive, feel alive.
If you miss what you did, do it again.
Don’t live on yellow photos…
Go on, even though everyone waits for you to leave.
Don’t let the iron in you rust.
Make them respect you instead of pity.
When you can’t run due to age, jog.
When you can’t jog, walk.
When you can’t walk, use the cane.
But never stop!”
What do you say, then: We continue rowing against the current…!

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