04 March, 2025

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CBCP Media to Launch New App

An Effort to Reach ‘Unchurched’ People

CBCP Media to Launch New App

The media arm of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines is launching a new app, a mobile application to help the faithful live their faith more actively, especially during this pandemic.

The Faith Watch App inspires Catholics to attend Mass, read the Gospel, engage in church news, and watch videos about Catholic life through a simple mobile companion.

Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, CBCP Media Office director, said the app hopes to aggregate live-streamed Masses nationwide for “online churchgoers” during this pandemic

“But that aside, it wishes to reach out to the ‘unchurched’ populating social media through vlogs and other contents produced and formatted with ‘missio ad gentes’ in mind,” Quitorio said.

Quitorio said the app is also the CBCP Media Office’s “gift to the Church on the 500th Year of Christianity in the Philippines… the ‘missio ad gentes’ in cyberspace”.

The app will be launched online on September 8, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It will be streamed via the Facebook pages of FaithWatchCBCP News, and PressOne.PH.

This project materialized in collaboration with Areopagus Communications, Inc. and the Heart of Francis Foundation.

Faith Watch App can be downloaded both on android and IOS devices.

The Faith Watch App is an integrated platform designed to help users find the nearest church to avail of services such as schedules of live-streamed masses and the scheduling of other sacraments. It also features biblical reflections and catechetical materials in video and digital format—and even news, among others.