Catholic Church in Costa Rica Appeals for Peace
March 10 - Special Day of Prayer for Peace in all Churches

“As pastors of the Catholic Church in Costa Rica, we express our concern at the armed conflict that has broken out in Europe in recent days and is affecting the whole world. We ask you to raise your eyes to God and we announce a Special Day of Prayer for Peace in the world, especially for peace in Ukraine and also for peace to reign in our country”.
This is what the Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica writes in a communication published on March 8, in which it asks all the dioceses and parishes of the country that, in each church, they pray for this intention, both in the celebration of all the Holy Masses and in the Hours of Adoration, Thursday, March 10, 2022, reported Fides News Agency.
The Bishops of Costa Rica say they join in the cry of Pope Francis expressed on Sunday, March 6, at the conclusion of the Angelus: “I implore that the armed attacks cease and that negotiation – and common sense – prevail. And that international law be respected once again! (…). War is madness! Stop, please! Look at this cruelty!”. They go on to say: “May our petition reach Jesus Christ our Lord, Prince of Peace, and Mary the Most Holy, that she may intercede for the whole world and that peace may reign”. Priests of all communities are called to organize and motivate the Catholic faithful to unite in prayer. “During Lent, they conclude, it is a propitious moment, all the more united to the Pope who is living his spiritual exercises of Lent this week”. From the Episcopal Conference of Costa Rica, we encourage the faithful and all people of goodwill to be builders of peace”.

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