28 March, 2025

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Cardinal Arizmendi: The bishops invite you to vote

Assume your responsibility and collaborate with your vote to build the country we want

Cardinal Arizmendi: The bishops invite you to vote

Cardinal Felipe Arizmendi, bishop emeritus of San Cristóbal de Las Casas and responsible for the Doctrine of Faith in the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate (CEM), offers Exaudi readers his weekly article titled “We bishops invite you to vote.”



The Mexican bishops have intensified our invitation to vote next Sunday, June 2, so that the greatest possible number of citizens participate in the elections for the Presidency of the Republic, federal deputations and senators, some governorships, local deputations, and municipal councils. We do not pressure them to vote for a party or a coalition, but for whoever they freely and consciously decide. To this end, relevant posters and flyers have been distributed in the country’s parishes. With this, we do not violate civil or canonical laws, we do not alter the secular State, and we do not ally ourselves with a partisan color. Our faith is not exclusively identified with a party, and it is legitimate for Catholics to freely participate in the option that seems best for the country.

One of the posters and flyers distributed, under our responsibility, says: Vote. It is a right and a citizen’s duty that commits us to vote. And it offers five points to take into account: 1. Think about your vote! Before you vote, make sure you know what you are deciding. Your vote is like your voice, so use it with confidence and without anyone trying to take it away from you. Vote without fear and freedom! 2. Vote thinking about what is best for everyone. Look for those who are committed to a united Mexico. We want a country where our rights are respected, where there is security and justice for everyone. 3. Vote; so you can demand! Choose candidates who truly represent you, and then remind them to deliver what they promised. 4. Vote freely and without conditions! Trust what our Constitution says and do not listen to unfounded rumors. Social support and programs are your right and that of all citizens. Your rights are protected by law and no one can take them away from you! 5. We should all vote. Encourage your people to go vote on June 2. Let them do it without fear and with desire. For a commitment to peace and the common good! Vote.

The bishop of Cuernavaca, Ramón Castro, general secretary of our Episcopal Conference, when leading the tenth march for peace in that city, expressed: “Democracy also serves to punish bad governments by voting, if they do not know, do not want or they don’t do what they should.” This is not getting involved in policies that do not concern us, but rather being critical and knowing who to support or not with the vote. If someone is happy with a certain form of government, he will support it to continue; If he is dissatisfied, he will express it in his vote. Yes, it is useful to vote, although some say otherwise.


In a message from our Episcopal Conference on February 22, we expressed: “We hope that the Lord grants us that this electoral process be carried out in peace and transparency, and that all the Mexican people become aware of their national commitment so that they GO OUT TO VOTE and elect leaders who sincerely seek the common good. We encourage each citizen to vote freely and reasonably on June 2, as an expression of love for Mexico. Let us join our wills, efforts and prayers to proclaim: I will go out and vote as a gesture of service, justice and peace”.

Last March 3, we said: “This is not a time for apathy, indifference or abstentionism. It is time for participation and commitment. We urge all citizens, especially young people, to be informed, interested and make their own decisions seeking the good of the Nation. Likewise, we urge political parties and candidates to conduct themselves ethically, with high vision and not to lose the common good from their horizon of action. This includes the greatest civic attitude in democracy, which is generous participation and acceptance of the final results. We hope that the entire process is carried out through legal channels to avoid unnecessary and costly post-electoral conflicts, based on arbitrary and unsupported positions”.

On April 11, at the conclusion of our CXVI plenary assembly, we sent this message to the People of God: “Our love for Mexico drives us to invite all Mexicans over 18 years of age to participate responsibly with their vote on June 2. As responsible Mexican citizens, let us do everything we can to ensure that the next elections are peaceful, free, conscious, reliable and with truthful results. Let unite all Mexicans who are willing to participate responsibly to build a united, safe, free and prosperous Mexico. Let’s make our reasoned and responsible vote heard and respected. Participating in voting is a mission that belongs to all of us!”

Finally, on the recent May 21, we insisted: “The Church is aware of being the bearer of a message of fraternity from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is why it is called to promote encounter, dialogue, respect and reconciliation between people, society and countries. As bishops, we recognize the right of citizens to defend their different options, but at the same time, we ask to know and receive our values ​​that are based on respect for life, justice and the common good. Thus, we invite all citizens, with voter identification cards, to go out on Sunday, June 2, to vote freely for the candidates of their preference, according to the popular election positions in contention. Let us not be afraid to go out and vote, let us not allow ourselves to be coerced by anyone, either to vote or not to go out to vote; nor to do so through gifts, threats or pressure of any kind. We all have the right to vote freely. Our vote is secret and as such, it must be fully respected. Let’s go out and vote with responsibility and conviction: let’s go out and exercise our rights. Next June 2 will be a civic festival of enormous proportions, a day of great significance, carried out from the joy of exercising our rights, of doing so with peace and civility, knowing that together we build the future of the country.”


Assume your responsibility and collaborate with your vote to build the country we want. Encourage others, and let us pray to the Lord for the peace and advancement of our people.

Felipe Arizmendi

Nacido en Chiltepec el 1 de mayo de 1940. Estudió Humanidades y Filosofía en el Seminario de Toluca, de 1952 a 1959. Cursó la Teología en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, España, de 1959 a 1963, obteniendo la licenciatura en Teología Dogmática. Por su cuenta, se especializó en Liturgia. Fue ordenado sacerdote el 25 de agosto de 1963 en Toluca. Sirvió como Vicario Parroquial en tres parroquias por tres años y medio y fue párroco de una comunidad indígena otomí, de 1967 a 1970. Fue Director Espiritual del Seminario de Toluca por diez años, y Rector del mismo de 1981 a 1991. El 7 de marzo de 1991, fue ordenado obispo de la diócesis de Tapachula, donde estuvo hasta el 30 de abril del año 2000. El 1 de mayo del 2000, inició su ministerio episcopal como XLVI obispo de la diócesis de San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, una de las diócesis más antiguas de México, erigida en 1539; allí sirvió por casi 18 años. Ha ocupado diversos cargos en la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano y en el CELAM. El 3 de noviembre de 2017, el Papa Francisco le aceptó, por edad, su renuncia al servicio episcopal en esta diócesis, que entregó a su sucesor el 3 de enero de 2018. Desde entonces, reside en la ciudad de Toluca. Desde 1979, escribe artículos de actualidad en varios medios religiosos y civiles. Es autor de varias publicaciones.