25 March, 2025

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Can you be a demanding person and at the same time generous?

Your teachings will multiply and stay alive through your loved ones, friends and collaborators

Can you be a demanding person and at the same time generous?

The word demand comes from the Latin “exigentia”, which in summary is an act and a consequence of asking, requesting or demanding something in an imperious manner that does not accept a negative response.

In turn, the word generosity comes from the Latin “generositas”, which refers to a person who shares with others without expecting to receive anything in return and is generally associated with a virtue or positive value.

After this brief introduction, on the meaning of the words, demand and generosity, I will go on to develop the theme associated with the title of this article.

In this regard, without a doubt, we must all be prepared to face the challenges that life presents to us throughout our time on earth. And for that we will have different people who will help us on this path, starting with our parents, and then some teachers, bosses or leaders that we will find at school, university, workplace or other spaces.

I remember that between the ages of 11 and 15, my father assigned me various daily tasks, from sweeping the sidewalk at home, washing his car, opening his office three times a week or looking for, comparing and buying some product that was missing at home (light bulbs, bolts, brushes, etc.). The truth is I did not understand why I had to do it, when my friends at school and where some were even my neighbors, had it easier.

At school, in my secondary school years, I had a teacher in 2nd and 3rd year of language and literature who was very demanding with the spelling subject. He would lower your points on the exam or send you to write at least 50 times the misspelled word to avoid the decrease of points.

In the postgraduate course, which I took at the PAD of the U. Piura, I had a professor of Spanish origin who, in the development of his classes, demanded that I be prepared in advance to have interventions that add value to the discussion and a perspective of solution to the problem that each case presented.

Finally, I remember in one of my last dependent jobs, a general manager who was demanding with the charts and presentations that I presented as the leader of people and remuneration management. He made me accompany him to some meetings, where I did not understand what I was doing there. But later I understood that in my position as a privileged spectator I learned new things about the business, various negotiations, how to lead a meeting, when to listen, observe and then affirm something.

After sharing with you three different stages of my life, I share with you some reflections associated with these and the title of this article.

  1. If a person loves you in the broadest sense of the word itself, or esteems you and wants the best for you, he will always demand from you. That will help you develop a habit and even a virtue.
  2. Repetition and discipline to carry out the tasks entrusted to you will make you gain more and more confidence and security.
  3. It doesn’t matter what personal or professional vocation you have, all of them without exception are demanding, if you apply it with passion and care, I assure you that you will be the best version of it.
  4. How much wisdom in the popular saying: in one hand love and in the other rigor. I would translate it as: Be demanding, but generous at the same time.

Dear reader, I invite you again to reflect on the different facets of your life, what lessons do you remember from these, and today you discover that are useful to you. You can apply-replicate-improve that in your role as a collaborator in the company you work for (with your peers or dependents, keep in mind that to lead or influence you do not necessarily need a badge or title) in the role of friend, brother, family member, spouse, parent if applicable, etc.

I assure you that in this way you will contribute to fostering a better world and leaving a legacy, which ultimately is nothing other than having transcended beyond your physical existence. Your teachings will multiply and remain alive through your loved ones, friends and collaborators.

Last, but not least, I leave you with a couple of phrases….

“Where there is no love, put love, and you will find love” – Saint John of the Cross.

“Let us teach this triple truth to everyone: A generous heart, a kind language, and a life of service are things that renew humanity” – Buddha

What are you saying, you are still willing to row against the current!

Hugo Saldaña Estrada

Gerente de Showroom Ventas en Roca SAC. Veinte años de experiencia, generando valor en empresas transnacionales y de primer nivel a través de la gestión integral de procesos de recursos humanos, tales como selección de talento, estrategias de compensaciones, evaluación del desempeño y gestión del clima laboral.