12 March, 2025

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Bishop Lazzaro New Head of Clergy

Several Papal Appointments Announced

Bishop Lazzaro New Head of Clergy
Pope and Monsignor Lazzaro You Heung-sik © Vatican Media

The Holy Father has appointed His Excellency Monsignor Lazzaro You Heung-sik, currently Bishop of Daejeon, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, at the same time conferring on him the title of Archbishop-Bishop Emeritus of Daejeon.

His Holiness also ordered that His Eminence Most Reverend Cardinal Beniamino Stella remain in charge of the aforementioned Congregation until the new Prefect is taken over.

Monsignor Lazzaro You Heung-sik

Born in 1951, he was ordained a priest for the diocese of Daejeon in 1979. In 2003 he was appointed coadjutor in the same diocese and two years as bishop. According to Vatican News, the new prefect was the head of the Peace Committee of the Korean Episcopal Conference and visited North Korea four times.

This is the second appointment of an Asian bishop as prefect, together with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, from the Philippines, at the head of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. This gesture shows Pope Francis’ attention to the Asian continent.

Appointment of the Archbishop of Avignon (France)

The Holy Father has appointed Archbishop of Avignon (France), the Most Exalted Mons. François Fonlupt, currently Bishop of Rodez.

Curriculum vitae

HE Mons. François Fonlupt was born on December 20, 1954 in Allègre, in the Diocese of Le Puy. In Clermont-Ferrand he completed his secondary studies at the “Collège Massillon” in the minor seminary, and entered the major seminary in the same city. From 1986 to 1990, he attended the Institut Catholique de Paris, where he obtained a Licentiate in Philosophy.

He was ordained a priest on March 15, 1979, for the Archdiocese of Clermont. He has held the following ministerial positions: Parish Vicar in Issoire and Chaplain of the local Lyceum (1979-1990); National Assistant of the JICF while studying at the Institut Catholique de Paris (1986-1990); Cooperator of the Parish of Chamalières and at the same time Diocesan Assistant of Catholic Action (1990-1997); Pastor of the Paroissial Ensemble of Clermont-Nord (1997-2002); Pastor of the new parish of Sainte-Anne de Montjuzetand Dean of Clermont Center-Ouest (2002-2005); at the same time, from 1992 to 2001 he was Secretary of the Presbyteral Council, and from 2003 to 2005, Diocesan Responsible for the catechumenate. Since 2005 he has been Episcopal Vicar for rural decanates, for formation, for catechesis and interreligious dialogue, Head of the Institut théologique d’Auvergne . On 2 April 2011, he was appointed Bishop of Rodez. He received episcopal consecration on the following 5 June. Within the French Episcopal Conference, he is President of the Council for Movements and Associations of the faithful.

Resignation and Appointment of the Bishop of Saint-Flour (France)

The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Diocese of Saint-Flour (France) presented by HE Mons. Bruno Grua.

The Holy Father has appointed Rev. Didier Noblot, of the Clergy of the Diocese of Troyes, currently parish priest of Nogent-sur-Seine, as bishop of Saint-Flour (France).

Curriculum vitae

HE Mons. Didier Noblot was born on September 16, 1965, in Bar-su-aube (Diocese of Troyes). After his secondary studies, he entered the interdiocesan seminary of Saint-Sulpice in Issy-les-Moulineaux, then he attended that of Reims, obtaining a Baccalaureate in Theology at the Institut Catholique de Paris. Later, at the same time as his pastoral activity, he studied religious pedagogy and practical theology by correspondence at the Université Marc Bloch in Strasbourg.

He was ordained a priest on May 17, 1992, for the Diocese of Troyes. He is a member of the priestly fraternity of Jésus-Caritas. He has held the following ministries and positions: Vicar of the parish of Bar-sur-Seine; Diocesan Chaplain of the Mouvement Rural de la Jeunesse Chrétienne; Administrator of the Parish of Celles-sur-Ource; Dean of Forêt d’Othe-Armance; Administrator of the parish unit of Chaource; Accompanying the parish units of Évry – Auxon – Aix-en-Othe – Estissac; Parish priest of Piney; Animator of the Pastoral Sector Plaine et Lacs; Episcopal Delegate for seminarians; Accompanying the Catholic Teaching of Troyes and Langres; Member of the Episcopal Council of Troyes; Deputy Director of the National Service for Youth Evangelization and Vocations; Pastor of Nogent-sur-Seine, Animator of the pastoral sector Seine-en-Plaine Champenoise.

Resignation and appointment of the Bishop of Ferns (Ireland)

The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Diocese of Ferns (Ireland), presented by His Excellency Monsignor Dennis Brennan.

The Holy Father has appointed Reverend Priest Gerard Nash, of the Clergy of the Diocese of Killaloe, currently Diocesan Secretary and Director of Pastoral Development of the same Diocese, Bishop of Ferns (Ireland).

Curriculum vitae

HE Archbishop Gerard Nash was born on February 27, 1959, in Tulla, County Clare. After secondary school in Tulla, he studied business and economics at the University of Limerick. Entering the seminary, he attended courses in Philosophy and Theology at St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, earning a Baccalaureate in Sacred Theology. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Killaloe on 15 June 1991. After his ordination he was: Chaplain at the Roscrea Community Vocational School (1991-1996); Executive Director of the Social Apostolate ( Clarecare ) with residence in Corofin (1996-2003); Pastor in Imeall Bóirne, Cluster (2003-2007), with residence in Corofin; Parish priest at Imeall Bóirne Cluster (2007-2009) with residence in Crusheeon.

From 2009 until today he is Diocesan Secretary, and, since 2016, he has also been Director of Pastoral Development of the Diocese of Killaloe.

Appointment of the Bishop of the Suburbicarian Diocese of Albano (Italy)

The Holy Father has appointed as bishop of the suburbicarian diocese of Albano (Italy) the Rev. Msgr. Vincenzo Viva, of the clergy of the diocese of Nardò-Gallipoli, currently rector of the Pontifical Urban College “de Propaganda Fide” in Rome.

Curriculum vitae

HE Mons. Vincenzo Viva was born in Frankfurt (Germany) on August 24, 1970, and later returned to the Diocese of Nardò-Gallipoli, in the province of Lecce.

After his first high school studies in Frankfurt, he obtained the linguistic baccalaureate in Lecce. As a student of the Almo Collegio Capranica, he attended philosophical and theological courses at the Pontifical Gregorian University, in view of the priestly ordination, which took place on 10 July 1997 for the Diocese of Nardò-Gallipoli. In 2006 he obtained a Doctorate in Moral Theology at the Alphonsian Academy. He specialized in Bioethics at the University Center for Bioethics and Life Sciences of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome.

Most significant pastoral assignments carried out: 1999-2000: Vice-rector in the Diocesan Seminary; 2000-2003: Spiritual Father in the Diocesan Seminary; 2001-2011: Member of the College of Consultors; 2000-2013: Director of the Social Communications Office; 2005-2007: Professor of Religion at the Liceo Classico of Nardò; 2005-2013: Episcopal Delegate for the Ordo Virginum; 2005-2008: Secretary-General of the Pastoral Visit; 2005-2009: Pastoral collaborator at the parish of S. Francesco di Paola in Nardò; 2006-2013: Associate Professor of Moral Theology at the Apulian Theological Faculty; 2009-2013: Canon Penitentiary of the Chapter of the Cathedral of Nardò. Since 2007: Professor of Moral Theology at the Alphonsian Academy; since 2013: Rector of pontifical Urban College “de Propaganda Fide” and Professor of Moral Theology at the Pontifical Urbanian University. He was appointed Chaplain of His Holiness in 2012. He is the author of several publications, articles, and translations from German. He knows German, English, and French.

Appointment of Auxiliary Bishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bogotá (Colombia)

The Holy Father has appointed Reverend Germán Medina Acosta, of the Clergy of the same Archdiocese, currently Episcopal Vicar of the Territorial Zone of St. Peter, as Auxiliary Bishop of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bogotá (Colombia), assigning him the titular See of Aradi.

Curriculum vitae

HE Mgr. Germán Medina Acosta was born on February 25, 1958 in Bogotá. He completed his philosophical and theological studies at the Major Seminary of Bogotá.

He holds a Licentiate in Sacred Theology, a Master in Psychology, and a specialization in Ethics and Pedagogy at the Pontificia Universitad Javeriana in Bogotá and a Doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Salesian Pontifical University in Rome.

He received priestly ordination on 11 June 1983, incardinating himself in the Archdiocese of Bogotá. He has held the following positions: Parish Vicar of the Parish of Nuestra Señora del Ave María, Formator of the Minor Seminary, Archdiocesan Coordinator for Youth Ministry, Chaplain of the Colegio del Rosario, Chaplain of the National University, Parish Priest of the Parish of Los Santos Ángeles Custodios, Formator and Rector of the Major Seminary, Pastor of the Parish of San Juan de Ávila, Archdiocesan Coordinator for Ongoing Formation of the Clergy, Vicar General and, since 2017, Episcopal Vicar of the Territorial Zone of San Pietro.

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