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Appeal for Migrants on Polish-Belarusian Border

Collection After all Masses in Poland on November 21, 2021

Appeal for Migrants on Polish-Belarusian Border
Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki

The chairman of the Polish Bishops’ Conference has made an appeal for migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border. 

“Regardless of the circumstances of the migrants’ arrival, they certainly need our spiritual and material support,” wrote Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki in the appeal on helping migrants.

The chairman of the Episcopate noted that “from the beginning of the migration crisis, the Church in Poland – through Caritas Polska, diocesan Caritas and the delegate of the KEP for immigration – has provided help to migrants as far as possible.”

Due to the fact that the needs are much greater, the chairman of the Episcopate asked the faithful and all people of goodwill with a request for a nationwide collection of funds for migrants from the Polish-Belarusian border, after all Holy Masses on Sunday, November 21. “The funds collected during this issue will be allocated – through Caritas Polska – to finance aid activities in the border areas during the migration crisis and to the process of long-term integration of refugees who decide to stay in Poland,” he wrote in the appeal.

Archbishop Gądecki recalled that the mission of the Church is, in the first place, the proclamation of the Gospel. “Consequently, when it is necessary to help newcomers, we must not avoid it. Without prejudice to the security of the Republic of Poland and its citizens, people in need must show our solidarity, ”we read in the Appeal.

The chairman of the Episcopate also asked for prayers for peace on the eastern border of Poland.

We publish the full text of the Appeal:

For several weeks we have been witnessing an exceptionally difficult situation on the Polish-Belarusian border. Regardless of the circumstances of the migrants’ arrival, they certainly need our spiritual and material support.

From the beginning of the migration crisis, the Church in Poland – through Caritas Polska, diocesan Caritas, and the delegate of the KEP for immigration – provides help to migrants as far as possible. At this point, support for centers for foreigners is being implemented, support for border guard posts in which migrants and refugees are staying, and Caritas Polska’s Tents of Hope are launched in border parishes.

However, the needs are much greater, so I am asking the faithful and all people of goodwill for a nationwide collection of funds for migrants from the Polish-Belarusian border, after all Holy Masses on Sunday, November 21. The funds collected during this issue will be allocated – through Caritas Polska – to finance aid activities in the border areas during the migration crisis and to the process of long-term integration of refugees who decide to stay in Poland.

The Church’s mission is primarily to proclaim the Gospel. Consequently, when it is necessary to provide help to newcomers, we must not avoid it. Without prejudice to the security of the Republic of Poland and its citizens, people in need must be shown our solidarity. In the present situation, the message of the parable of the Good Samaritan sounds even more urgent and awaits universal implementation, also in the perception of the migrants themselves.

Let us pray fervently for peace on the eastern border of Poland, for all migrants residing there, for the inhabitants of this area, for state services, including the Border Guard and the army, for politicians, Poles, and Belarusians.

+ Stanisław Gądecki
Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznań,
Chairman of the Polish Episcopal Conference

Warsaw, November 8, 2021

Exaudi Staff