12 March, 2025

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Apostolic Almonry Continues Works of Mercy

In Italy and Madagascar

Apostolic Almonry Continues Works of Mercy
© Vatican Media

The Apostolic Almonry, the Holy See’s Office whose task is to practice charity with the poor in the name of the Pontiff, issued a press release on September 7, 2021, informing on the latest works of mercy carried out during the summer, inside and outside of Italy.  

 Here is the full text, translated from Italian by Exaudi.

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During the summer months, the Apostolic Almonry did not go on holiday, dedicating itself among other things to two of the seven works of charity: visiting prisoners and consoling the afflicted.

In addition to the help given regularly through the chaplains, the “Holy Father’s charitable arm” made small evangelical gestures to help and give hope to thousands of people in Rome’s prisons. In particular, in recent days, the Almoner, Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, handed out 15,000 ice creams to inmates in the Regina Coeli and Rebibbia prisons.

The other corporal works of mercy, to feed the hungry, to give drink to the thirsty, to clothe the naked, to house pilgrims and strangers, to visit and support the sick, and to bury the dead, are taken into account especially by the Apostolic Almonry during the summer months, when many soup kitchens and charitable institutions must limit their activities.

Therefore, as every year, small groups of the homeless or those lodged in dormitories were taken to the sea or the Lake close to Castel Gandolfo, to spend a relaxing afternoon and dine in a pizzeria.

The poorest people of other nations weren’t forgotten either. Through the mediation of the Apostolic Nuncios, medications, lung respirators, and medical supplies were sent directly by the Vatican through the Holy See’s diplomatic post.

Purchased in August alone, for example, was a tomograph for Madagascar, costing some US$600.000, and medical clinics were completed, either renewed or newly built, costing almost two million euros, in Africa’s three poorest countries.

The corporal and spiritual works of mercy are found in the Gospel. “Jesus’ preaching presents these works of mercy so that we can understand if we live or not as His disciples” (Pope Francis, Misericordiae Vultus, no. 15). If they are applied to every Christian, they are even more valuable indications to also regulate all the actions of the Holy Father’s charitable office.

Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

Exaudi Staff