28 March, 2025

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Ajo Joy, India, a priestly vocation inspired by his mother

Ajo Joy, a seminarian from India, whose faith and love for his mother inspired his priestly journey at the University of Navarra

Ajo Joy, India, a priestly vocation inspired by his mother

Ajo Joy’s (India) priestly vocation began at the age of 15. He is now a young 26-year-old seminarian studying the fourth year of Theology at the Ecclesiastical Faculties of the University of Navarra and resides at the Bidasoa International Seminary.

Priestly vocation and the loss of his mother

His mother died of cancer when he was 15 years old. The next day, Ajo entered the San Rafael minor seminary in the diocese of Quilon (Kerala, India), taking the first step in his priestly vocation: “My mother was like a teacher and friend to me. I am convinced that I owe my vocation to her. She intercedes for me from heaven.”

After his experience, he sends a message to young people who lose their parents or relatives at an early age: “I tell them with affection and pride that our parents are a gift from God; we must share our desires and ambitions with them. When we lose one of them, do not break down, pray for them. Be happy and think that they are supporting and loving you in the same way as when they were alive.”

The Diocese of Quilon: Cradle of Christianity in India

This Indian seminarian discovered his priestly vocation at a very young age. Despite being an only child, his parents, far from objecting to him, encouraged him. He was born into a Catholic family belonging to the Diocese of Quilon, the first Catholic diocese in India, also known as the Diocese of Kollam. It is often considered the cradle of Indian Christianity. It was established by John XXII on August 9, 1329. The diocese covers an area of ​​1,950 km. and around 239,400 Catholics.

Religious coexistence in Kerala, a model of unity

«In Kerala, Catholics live in a diverse and multi-religious society. Although they constitute a minority, around 18% of the population, Kerala is home to two churches: Eastern and Western. The Western Church includes the Syro-Malabar rite and the Syro-Malankar rite, as well as a large population of Latin rites.

In Kerala, Catholics have maintained a relationship of respect and cooperation with other religions, such as Hinduism and Islam, and we also maintain respect for the various cultures in the country», explains this young seminarian.

In difficult times, united communities

The ability to live and prosper in a multi-religious society is one of the most valuable lessons that European Catholics could learn from Catholics in India, particularly those in Kerala, who have created a strong culture of respect and cooperation with other religions.

Ajo puts it this way: “Harmony between religions is fundamental. This could improve the life and practice of the Catholic faith in Spain by encouraging coexistence and dialogue between religions. The focus on community is another crucial lesson.

In difficult times, Catholic communities in India are often very united and supportive of each other. Spanish Catholics can find inspiration in this solidarity and sense of belonging.”

Priestly formation in a secularized world

Ajo Joy is one of the young seminarians of the 21st century who is training to respond to the challenges of a secularized world. He believes that a young priest of today faces a constantly changing world and, for this reason, it is essential to strengthen his vocation by seeing God as a companion, as a friend. “The priestly vocation is friendship, and I have always seen God as a friend who has helped me a lot in my life,” he tells us with a big smile.

In addition, this young seminarian from India believes that, in addition to being nourished by prayer and the Eucharist, the formation of a modern priest must also strengthen his vocation to social justice, working on community projects and advocating for human rights and the dignity of all. “But the essential thing is to share the experience of God with others,” concludes Ajo Joy.

Fundación CARF

Trabajamos para llevar la sonrisa de Dios a todos los rincones del mundo a través de los sacerdotes y ayudando a su formación. Gracias a nuestros benefactores, ayudamos a la formación de los sacerdotes, difundimos su buen nombre y rezamos por su fidelidad y las vocaciones. Trabajamos para servir a la Iglesia y que ninguna vocación se pierda y luego ellos puedan transmitir en su labor pastoral toda la luz, ciencia y doctrina recibida. Académico Las licenciaturas, programas de especialización o doctorados, otorgan a cada candidato una formación específica en Teología, Filosofía, Derecho Canónico o Comunicación Social Institucional. Espiritual Los seminaristas y sacerdotes complementan su formación académica y humana con la espiritual, ya que deben estar preparados para seguir su vocación y prestar su cuerpo y su espíritu al Señor. Humano A través del ambiente de familia y de preparación, se consigue el desarrollo de actitudes, capacidades y valores que impactan en el crecimiento personal y social de los sacerdotes.