12 March, 2025

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Academy Social Sciences: New Ordinary Member

Professor Riccardo Pozzo

Academy Social Sciences: New Ordinary Member
Audience of the Pope to the Academy of Social Sciences in 2019 © Vatican Media

Pope Francis appointed Professor Riccardo Pozzo, docent of the History of Philosophy at Rome’s Tor Vergata University, Ordinary Member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Reported the Holy See Press Office on Friday, May 21, 2021.

Riccardo Pozzo

 Was born in Milan, Italy, on June 7, 1959. He is a philosopher and historian of Philosophy. He received his Licentiate in 1983 from Milan’s La Statale University, and his doctorate in 1988 from Germany’s Sarre University. In 1995 he obtained an open lecture position in Germany’s Treveris University. In 1996 he was invited to be an Associate Professor at the Catholic University of American in the United States.

In 2002 he became Titular Professor in Italy’s Verona University and Titular of the Chair of the History of Philosophy in 2019 at Rome’s Tor Vergata University. He was Director of the Institute of European Intellectual Lexicon and History of Ideas, and of the Human and Social Sciences Department, <as well as> of the Cultural Patrimony of the National Research Council. He is the author of numerous publications and member of the Institut International de Philosophie and of the Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati.

 Pontifical Academy of Sciences

 As stated on its Website, Saint John Paul II created the Academy with a Motu Proprio dated January 1, 1994. Every meeting of the Academy begins with a Report on the Church’s Social Teachings regarding the topic in question. The Academy studies the points in which a greater elaboration of these teachings is advisable and gives a constructive evaluation of them in light of the Social Sciences.

To achieve its objectives, the Academy organizes conferences and workshops on specific subjects, promotes inquiries and scientific research, helps institutions and individuals to carry them out, publishes the results of its consultations, and edits publications of a scientific nature.

To date the Academy has addressed the following subjects: Work and Employment; Democracy; Globalization; Intergenerational Solidarity; Charity and Justice; Solidarity and Subsidiarity; Human Rights; Crisis in a Global Economy; Religious Liberty; Pacem in Terris fifty years later, and Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.

Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

Gabriel Sales

Periodista y especialista en Comunicación y Branding digital. Cinéfilo y crítico de cine y series de televisión.