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Edistio Cámere


17 February, 2025

3 min

A success story

A success story

A success story

I used to go home standing up, leaning near the bus’s back door. The conditions were not favorable for reading or glancing at the window. I had little room to maneuver to read or glance at the window. This time, not only did the stars twinkle with grace and complacency, I was also fortunate to travel seated until I reached my destination. Since the stretch of travel was long, I fell asleep, and suddenly a sudden stop reconnected me with the dynamics of the bus. In the seat in front of me was a young man who was about 20 years old and, next to him, an older adult who could well be his grandfather. So without even looking for it, I became a witness to a meaningful dialogue, which is worth sharing.

– “Grandpa, what career did you choose when you graduated from high school?” – “Law caught my attention from high school. I entered university early, but after my second year I had to drop out.” – “What happened?” – “My father owned a successful hardware business. I was the eldest of four brothers and, in the last month of my second year of college, my father died in a car accident. So, from the first working day of the following year, at almost 21 years old, I took over the reins of the family business.”

The old man was silent. Long enough to reorganize his emotions and allow formulating a question or a comment. With more detachment than warmth, the young man said – “apart from the bad luck of your father’s death, do you feel that you have failed in your professional life?” – “Why should I have that feeling?” added the grandfather. – “Could it be because you didn’t finish your degree, and you dedicated yourself to something far from law?” pointed out his interlocutor. – “What’s going on?” I fully understand that those of your generation yearn – it is a sign of being well on the path to success – to work in what they have studied. However, this happy coincidence does not always occur. I will not hide from you that, at the beginning, I had a hard time; I did not have the knowledge or the art of the business. Time and perseverance led me to acquire them: in addition, I discovered in myself other skills and talents that were unknown until then. The truth is that both, the company and I grew together. Today we are a chain of hardware stores distributed in various regions of the country and some other international markets.

– “Your success story is not common,” the young man said. The grandfather cleared his throat and continued: “I consider my story to be a success not because of the growth and expansion of the hardware business, but for two reasons. First, because I had the courage to face the responsibility of supporting my mother and siblings. Second, I learned that the significance of a profession does not depend on the activity performed, but on the person who performs it. I reaffirm that higher education is particularly important, but do not forget that the person who relates, synthesizes, carries and applies it is a graduate. The difference is accentuated by the person with his creativity, way of being and human quality. At university, you have to study and a lot. Feed your intelligence, without forgetting that you are not only a head; you have will and affection. Apply yourself to your personal growth and, if life takes you on paths other than your chosen profession, you will know how to respond with integrity and efficiency. A success story is measured by working with pleasure, enthusiasm and a spirit of service.”

Edistio Cámere

Especialista en Liderazgo y Dirección educativa