A look at transhumanism from theology

Meeting of Bishops-Theologians


The Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith has organized the XXVIII Meeting of Bishops-Theologians, which will take place in Madrid on June 4 and 5. This year, the event will focus on a topic of increasing relevance: “A look at transhumanism from theology.”

June 4th Day

The meeting will begin on Tuesday, June 4, with the presentation by Mons. Francisco Conesa, president of the Episcopal Commission for the Doctrine of the Faith, at 10:30 in the morning.

Panel on transhumanism

Next, a panel focused on transhumanism will be developed, exploring its origin, evolution, and current state. Professor Leandro Gaitán, from the University of Navarra, will be in charge of presenting these aspects. Then, Professor Albert Cortina, from the International University of Catalonia, will address the political and social implications of transhumanism. Finally, Federico Montalvo, professor at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas and member of the Pontifical Academy for Life, will discuss the ethical and legal implications of this movement.

Afternoon panel

In the afternoon, another panel titled “Towards a new definition of the human being?” will be presented. This panel will include two main topics. Professor Sara Lumbreras, from the Pontifical University of Comillas, will discuss “The identity of the human being in the light of technology and artificial intelligence.” The second theme, “For an integral transhumanism. Criticism and possibilities of an open movement”, will be presented by Ricardo Mejía, from the Faculty of Philosophy of Catalonia (Ateneo Sant Pacià) – Ramón Llul University.

June 5th day

On Wednesday, June 5, Professor Paolo Benanti, from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, will give a presentation entitled “Transhumanism as a challenge for theology.”

After each panel and presentation, dialogue groups will be organized to discuss and share the issues raised during the presentations.

This meeting promises to be a space for deep reflection on the impact of transhumanism from a theological perspective, addressing its multiple dimensions and the implications for the contemporary understanding of the human being.

