A Heart in Love

Loving the Everyday

It is good to aspire to a position in one of the ten most prestigious companies in the world, but a heart in love loves the position he holds in the company in which he has been hired.

I would like to have friends who have connections, are intelligent and funny, but a heart in love loves and values the friends it has thanks to school, university, and the neighborhood.

It is good to dream of living in an orderly, developed country with a lot of culture, but a heart in love wants and is excited about the country in which it has been its lot to be born and live.

It is good to cherish the feeling of success, recognition, and applause, but a heart in love appreciates and is enthusiastic about the effort, perseverance, and strength that leads to them.

It is good to take photos of a trip, an activity, or a party to upload them waiting for many ‘likes’; but a heart in love opens to the experience, enjoys it intensely incorporates it into one’s own story, and then tells it with such passion and novelty that it infects and brings the friend into that moment of happiness. Beauty and joy remain lame when they are reported, only when they are transmitted from the inside out and face to face, looking into each other’s eyes, does it multiply and become a memory that lasts.

It is good to give free rein to creativity with enthusiasm and enthusiasm by carrying out the task that attracts and likes you, but a heart in love does what it must and does it well, even if it does not like the task at hand; so that, in addition to acquiring due professional virtue, you contribute to the growth of your company and the common good in society.

It is good to be aware of events, news and what is fashionable, but a heart in love is capable of remembering to be grateful for the benefits, dedication and affection that his parents, friends and teachers gave him to be who is it. Use your memory to make present the great values and the significant people in your lives.

It is good to seek material and economic prosperity, but a heart in love knows how to look for it ‘outside the traps of opulence’ to also find it in human relationships, in families, in neighborhoods, in communities, in the meaning of life, and in the commitment to ethical values.

It is good to move, do things, have a busy agenda, be in a hurry because you are busy, but a heart in love is more concerned with the meaning and destiny of what it does than with movement. Therefore, more than being an expert in navigating the waves, he cultivates the art of probing the depths of events because in their density, height and perspective he is capable of finding the richness and mystery that they hide.

It is good to dream of having the most beautiful and intelligent girl, but a heart in love distinguishes what is unique and unrepeatable that it has above the others and when looking at her with the poet he tells her “I know that when I call you / among all the people / in the world, / only you will be you.”

A heart in love, without giving up defending his thoughts with arguments, nor giving up command when appropriate, values dialogue, because it is convinced that the ‘other’ always has something good to say to him.

A heart in love does not passively accommodate itself to the current configuration of society, it is rebellious, it goes against the current; because he loves his historical moment, he is capable of being inventive, of imagining new scenarios and having the courage to think differently.

A heart in love is not a deluded dreamer, it is realistic because it knows, loves and is committed to who it is, to what it has and to the environment that surrounds it. Whoever loves is not satisfied. He wants to be a better person, he wants to multiply his qualities and virtues, and he wants a society where justice and peace reign.

Finally, a heart in love is grateful, smiles and is optimistic: problems are challenges, work is a vocation, others are people worthy of respect, pain is maturity and life is a great opportunity to be more and a better person that is contagious, and transmit goodness, beauty, truth and unity that reality has.