12 March, 2025

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Radio Seybo Serving Mission 47 Years

Operated by Dominican Order to Promote Mission in Dominican Republic

Radio Seybo Serving Mission 47 Years

Radio Seybo has been at the service of the mission for 47 years. The radio, which has been operated by the Dominican Order since 1974, has embarked on a path rich in experience in promoting the mission in the Dominican Republic.

The first important step goes back to the year 2003 when the up to then local broadcaster, whose broadcasting area was limited to the province of Seybo, began to expand regionally and with its programs also the cities in the east of the Dominican Republic, but especially the rural areas, reaching the cities of the Eastern Region of the Dominican Republic.
Then since 2009, thanks to the internet it can reach every corner of the world.

Ten years ago, according to a note sent to Fides, those responsible for the station emphasized: “The story of Radio Seybo does not end here. Despite great difficulties and poor forecasts, we have reached thirty-seven years of life with great energy and enthusiasm. The challenges we will face in the future must focus on the constant improvement of our programming in order to continue to be the favorite station of the people of El Seybo and also in the areas we are now reaching, because with the modernization, radio is advancing too, and we have the proof that we can be heard in more than a hundred countries through our Internet, we are the first solar-powered broadcaster in Latin America, the first in the country to use a digital transmitter, and the first in El Seybo to use the Internet We have finally made it possible for our compatriots abroad to communicate with their families here over the radio”.

In addition to the evangelization programs, Radio Seybo is also involved in social projects. The most recent of these projects is called “Recicreartes”, a project together with Acción Verapaz (NGO linked to the Dominican Missionaries); this wonderful project promotes the improvement of the social conditions of people with limited means by learning, making, and selling handicrafts as a means of subsistence.

Exaudi Staff