18 March, 2025

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Jesus Saving Marriages and Families

A Message of Hope

Jesus Saving Marriages and Families

For more than 30 years, I have been accompanying married couples and young people, and I have seen that the fundamental theme of our lives is love. Happiness, personal fulfillment, marriage, and family are essential pillars. The rest, like health or money, are incidental aspects. We all long to be happy, and we know that happiness lies in love.

For this reason, over the years, I have given lectures on marriage and family. However, with the advent of the internet and social media, inquiries and requests for help have multiplied exponentially. These were not just general questions, but specific requests for help in difficult personal situations. As a priest and speaker, I strive to guide and accompany, but attending to each person individually becomes humanly impossible.

Hopeful News: Jesus Saving Marriages and Families

This is where wonderful news emerges: the “Jesus Saving Marriages and Families” movement. If you Google this name, all at once and without spaces, you will find its official website. This movement is not made up of parish priests or speakers, but of people dedicated to personally assisting those experiencing crises in their marriage or family.

If you are facing problems of infidelity, abandonment, difficulties with your children, or any other situation that threatens family stability, they can help you. Just write to them and tell them your situation. Unlike those, like me, who speak to large audiences, they have the time and the mission to accompany each person in a close and concrete way.

The Richness of the Church and the Miracle of Restoration

In the Church, there is an impressive diversity of charisms and spiritualities: there are Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity, the Franciscans, the Jesuits, the Marists, Opus Dei, and many other communities. Each with a particular focus, but all with the same goal: to serve God and others. Likewise, “Jesus Saving Marriages and Families” is another expression of this ecclesial richness, focused on the restoration of marriages.

They use a key word: restoration. A broken marriage can be restored, a frayed love can be resurrected. Not all cases achieve complete restoration, as selfishness, pride, or sin can be difficult obstacles to overcome. However, miracles do exist, and many families have been reunited thanks to this work.

An Invitation to Share and Help

I want to apologize to those who write to me seeking personalized help and I cannot respond directly. It is not a lack of interest, but a matter of time and capacity. But thank God, this movement is there to respond to those who need it.

Therefore, I invite you to spread this message. Surely you know someone who is going through a difficult situation in their marriage or family. Pass this information on, share it on your social media, and make it reach anyone who might need it.

Subscribe for more content and follow me on all my social media. Let’s do all the good we can. May God bless you always, and may the peace of Christ fill your hearts.

P Angel Espinosa de los Monteros

El Padre Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros ha impartido más de 4,000 conferencias sobre matrimonio, valores familiares y espiritualidad en diferentes ciudades de México, Estados Unidos, Francia, Italia, España y Sudamérica. Ha atendido a cientos de matrimonios ofreciendo consejos y programas de crecimiento conyugal y familiar. Es autor del libro «El anillo es para siempre», traducido a diferentes lenguas y a partir de las cuales ha dictado más de 20 títulos de conferencias. Actualmente se dedica de tiempo completo a impartir conferencias y renovaciones matrimoniales en 20 países del mundo.