At some point in our lives, we all accidentally, temporarily, or permanently exercise leadership. You will not be surprised if I tell you that when you type this word into the internet search engine, more than 144 million associated links appear.
For this reason, today leadership is known as a “soft” ability or skill and is sought by all institutions in our society (family, public or private companies, states, etc.).
In this sense, we all know that leadership is exercised by a person who must inspire, motivate, and influence (among other action verbs) the behavior of other people.
About this, almost four years ago, my wife’s father passed away due to a long illness. Already bedridden, the last time I spoke to him (exactly four days before his departure) he told me a few simple words, but they always resonate in my head: “Hugo, remember, you are the captain of this ship, and you must take it to a safe harbor.”
In this regard, I would like to remember the popular saying that tells us that no one is taught to be a parent.
Based on what I have said in the previous lines, I share with you the stages I have gone through as captain with my daughters, with irons, mistakes and battles won:
- They followed me out of fear: Fear of retaliation or non-physical punishment, obviously.
- They followed me out of interest: I solved the different problems they faced.
- They followed me out of respect: He is older, for some reason he tells us or advises us.
- They follow me out of love: It has been a long process. What’s more, we are still in it, both they and I have learned to give without expecting anything in return, to be there in the bad, regular and good things that life gives us.
I would like to use this that I have shared from my personal and family life as a reflection for you, so that you ask yourselves:
In my particular case, in my home, in the office, in the club, in the institution where I am, why do people really follow me?
And after having meditated on it deeply, take action and get to work. I assure you that the particular situation in which we find ourselves can be turned around. This with a good attitude, preparation and help from books and expert people.
Because the goal is to follow or to be followed out of love, no matter the field in which you carry out your leadership.
Finally, I share with you two different but convergent phrases:
- All you need is love (The Beatles, 1967)
- To be a saint, you need only one thing: To want it (Saint Thomas Aquinas, 12th century)
Dear reader, I invite you to consciously seek and want your leadership actions to reflect love. I assure you that our world will change for the better.
What do you say, are you ready to continue rowing against the current?