28 March, 2025

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December 5, Advent

Daily Reflections

December 5, Advent

Gospel Reflection

In today’s Gospel, Matthew 9:35-10:1, 5a, 6-8, Jesus goes around all the towns and villages, preaching, healing, and teaching. He feels compassion for the crowds because they are like sheep without a shepherd. He calls his twelve disciples and gives them authority to heal and cast out unclean spirits, sending them out to continue his mission.

The purpose of the day

Today, reflect on your call to be a disciple of Jesus and to continue his mission of compassion and service. Spend time serving others, whether through a concrete act of charity or simply listening and supporting someone in need.

How to live Christmas as a family

As a family, talk about Jesus’ mission and how each of you can contribute to it. You can plan a community service activity together, such as visiting the sick, helping at a soup kitchen, or simply making Christmas cards for neighbors.

Prayer for the day

“Lord Jesus, thank you for your love and compassion. Help me to be your faithful disciple and to continue your mission of service and love to others. Bless my family and allow us to walk together in this time of Advent, being instruments of your love in the world. Amen.”

Exaudi Staff