Academy of Catholic Leaders demands justice after the murder of Father Marcelo Pérez

An urgent call to action and reconciliation in memory of Father Marcelo, defender of the most vulnerable

In a strong statement, the Academy of Catholic Leaders strongly condemns the murder of Father Marcelo Pérez, a former student and committed priest of the diocese of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas. This atrocious crime has generated deep consternation, not only in Mexico, but throughout Latin America, especially impacting those who defend peace, justice, and human dignity.

Father Marcelo, known for his tireless work on behalf of the most vulnerable and his role as a peacemaker in a region marked by violence and injustice, was the victim of a brutal act that has shaken the foundations of his community. The statement underlines the pain that his loss has left, not only among his loved ones but in all those who knew his legacy of service and dedication to others.

Urgent call for justice

The Academy of Catholic Leaders has formally requested that the competent authorities carry out a thorough, fair, and transparent investigation, demanding that not only the material authors of the murder be captured and prosecuted, but also the intellectual authors behind this atrocious crime. In the statement, it is requested that the investigation be taken over by the Attorney General’s Office, due to the nature of the crime and the weapons used to guarantee prompt and effective justice.

“The memory of Father Marcelo Pérez, his legacy of love and service, deserve justice,” states the document, which warns that this crime cannot be allowed to go unpunished. His legacy of love, peace and justice must be a light that guides future generations and the authorities to act firmly in the face of violence.

A call for peace and reconciliation

In the midst of the tragedy, the Academy not only calls for justice, but also launches a call for peace and reconciliation in a national and international context where violence seems to be on the rise. Taking up the words of Pope Francis in his encyclical Fratelli Tutti, the statement invites us to reflect on the urgent need to foster love, understanding and unity in our communities. “Love makes us strive towards universal communion. No one matures or reaches his fullness in isolation” (FT, 95), the message says, recalling the importance of building together a more fraternal world.

The Academy also recalls the words of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” (Mt 5:9). In this sense, they highlight that Father Marcelo was a true peacemaker, whose life was dedicated to promoting peace and justice, especially in communities affected by poverty and violence. The best way to honor his memory, the statement emphasizes, is to continue working tirelessly for the same ideals of peace, love and justice that he defended.

Union in prayer and action

The statement also extends an invitation to all members of the Catholic community, as well as to people of good will, to join in prayer for the eternal rest of Father Marcelo Pérez and for the consolation of his family. Concrete action is also urged, urging each individual to be an instrument of peace in their environment and to bring the Gospel message of hope to every corner of the country.

“There will be no peace without justice,” the statement emphasizes, in a call to Mexican society not to allow these violent acts to continue dividing the country. The text concludes with a plea to the Virgin of Guadalupe, asking for her intercession so that the wounds left by this crime in the communities can be healed, and so that, united, we can work to rebuild the social fabric torn apart by violence.

Signed by:

The statement is signed by Monsignor Jorge Cuapio Bautista, Bishop of Iztapalapa and president of the Academy of Catholic Leaders – Mexico, together with the members of the National Council, which includes prominent leaders from the academic, religious and judicial fields, such as Bernardo Bátiz Vásquez, counselor of the Federal Judiciary, Salvador Beltrán del Río, vice-rector of the Universidad Panamericana, and Fr. Martín Martínez Quiroga, rector of the University of the Archdiocese of Monterrey, among others.

The Academy’s International Board of Directors has joined the call, with prominent figures such as Rocco Buttiglione and Paola Binetti from Italy, Mario J. Paredes from the United States, Cristián Nazer Astorga from Chile, and José Antonio Rosas, director general, who have reaffirmed their commitment to justice and peace in Mexico and globally.