Jubilee 2025: A Gathering of Faith and Hope

Discover the meaning and opportunities offered by this special event in the life of the Catholic Church

The Jubilee is a special time in the life of the Catholic Church, a period of grace and forgiveness celebrated every 25 years. The next Jubilee, scheduled for 2025, has as its motto “Pilgrims of Hope,” highlighting the call to the faithful to renew their commitment to the faith and mission of the Church. This event is part of the rich tradition of the Church that seeks to promote reconciliation, peace, and unity among believers.

History of the Jubilee

The Jubilee has its roots in Jewish tradition, specifically in the Old Testament, where a year of jubilee is mentioned every 50 years, a time of liberation and restitution. Since 1300, with the first Jubilee granted by Pope Boniface VIII, the celebration has been held in Rome. It is a time for the faithful to approach the sacraments and receive indulgences.

Jubilee 2025: Objectives and Themes

Jubilee 2025 will focus on several objectives, including:

  • Reconciliation: To foster peace and healing in communities and in the world.
  • Witness: To invite the faithful to live their faith with authenticity and to be witnesses of the love of Christ.
  • Mission: To strengthen the commitment to evangelization and service to others, especially those most in need.

Scheduled Activities

During the Jubilee, various activities and celebrations will be held, such as:

  • Pilgrimages: The faithful are called to participate in pilgrimages to Rome, where they will be able to visit sacred places, participate in Mass with the Pope and receive indulgences.
  • Cultural and Spiritual Events: There will be a calendar of events that will include conferences, moments of prayer, and community activities to strengthen faith and the sense of community among attendees.

How to Prepare

To live this Jubilee in a full way, the faithful are invited to prepare themselves spiritually through:

  • Prayer: Increase personal and community prayer time, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • Confession: Approach the sacrament of reconciliation to receive forgiveness and start anew.
  • Service: Commit to helping others, especially those most in need, as a way of living faith in action.

Jubilee 2025 is a unique opportunity for all Catholics to renew their faith and their commitment to the mission of the Church. Through this time of grace, not only forgiveness and reconciliation are sought, but also a call to be true disciples of Christ in the contemporary world. The motto “Pilgrims of Hope” reminds us that even when we face challenges, we can always find light and direction in our faith.