“Let us join the million children who will pray the Rosary”

After the Angelus, the Pope recalled the Aid to the Church in Need campaign planned for 18 October to support, the Pontifical Foundation explains, “the Church and all those who do not know the love and peace of Christ”


A sign of gratitude from the Pope to all the children who will pray the Rosary next Friday, 18 October. In his greetings after today’s Angelus, Francis recalled the initiative organised by the Pontifical Foundation Aid to the Church in Need, One million children pray the Rosary, in which a million children will participate, to whom, said the Pontiff, “we join”, also entrusting to the intercession of the Virgin “Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan and the other populations that suffer from war and all forms of violence and misery.”

The meaning of the campaign

Through the campaign “One million children pray the Rosary”, reads a statement from ACN, “We learn to put our trust in Our Lady so that she may intervene in favour of the Church and of all those who do not know the love and peace of Christ”. Educating the youngest “in faith and prayer is fundamental”, since “they can become sources of evangelisation for others, while their prayers, born from trusting hearts, attract the Spirit of God to the world”.

Projects in countries in difficulty

Along with prayer, ACN supports projects aimed at improving the lives of children around the world who live in many difficult situations, such as the children of Lebanon, where they try to provide school supplies to those who do not have them, or those of South Sudan, Cuba and Uruguay, where Bibles are provided to children to guide them in “their journey of faith”.