Pope Francis to Catholics in the Middle East: “I am with you, thirsty for peace”

A Call for Hope and Solidarity in the Midst of Pain and Destruction

Pope Francis has addressed an emotional letter to Catholics in the Middle East, showing his closeness and solidarity with all those who suffer the consequences of war. In his message, he denounces the “shameful inability” of the international community and powerful countries to end the conflicts. “The fuse of hatred that exploded a year ago has not been extinguished,” he writes, referring to the brutal attack by Hamas against Israel and the subsequent escalation of violence.

Closeness and Solidarity in the Midst of Conflict

The Pontiff expresses his deep connection with the displaced, grieving mothers, children who have lost their childhood and all those affected by war. “I am with you…” Francis repeats, emphasizing his closeness to those who have no voice and suffer the consequences of conflicts provoked by the powerful. On the anniversary of the attack that sparked the violence, the Pope underlines the urgency of extinguishing this “fuse of hatred” that is still burning.

Denunciation and Call for Peace

In his letter, Francis does not skimp on criticism of international leaders for their inability to stop the tragedy of war. “Blood flows, like tears; anger and the desire for revenge increase,” he notes, lamenting that few are really interested in what people need: dialogue and peace. He reiterates that war is a defeat and that weapons only destroy the future.

Gratitude to a Defenseless Flock

The Pope turns his gaze to the Christians of the Middle East, whom he calls “a small defenseless flock, thirsty for peace.” He thanks them for their perseverance in their lands and their ability to pray and love despite everything. “You are like a seed loved by God,” he writes, comparing them to a plant that always finds its way to the light, symbolizing hope in the midst of darkness.

Witnesses of an Unarmed Peace

With a “father’s heart,” the Pope exhorts these ancient Churches to be “witnesses of the power of an unarmed peace.” He stresses the importance of prayer and fasting as “weapons of love that change history” and that can defeat the true enemy: the spirit of evil that foments war.

A Call to Action and Hope

At the end of the letter, Francis reiterates his closeness to all those affected by the war. “I am close to you, I am with you,” he writes, emphasizing his solidarity with the inhabitants of Gaza, the displaced and the mothers who mourn their children. He thanks all those who, in the midst of the conflict, remain “children of peace” and console the heart of God.

Gratitude and Blessing

The Pope extends his gratitude to the bishops and priests who bring “the consolation of God to human solitudes,” urging them to serve their people with love and leave behind divisions and ambitions. With this letter, Francis seeks not only to console the faithful of the Middle East, but also to motivate the international community to take concrete steps to achieve peace.