Pope Francis: “A young person who is not creative is a dead person living”

In his video montage to the young people participating in the “Madrid Live Meeting 2024”, Francis invites them to have courage and move forward, always on the move, because “a young person who remains still is an old dead person”

“Move!” This exclamation sums up the Pope’s words addressed to the young people participating in the “Madrid Live Meeting 2024”, organized by the Archdiocese of the Spanish capital, with the motto “Joyful in Hope”, in preparation for the Jubilee of 2025. On this afternoon, when thousands of young people from Madrid, accompanied by their archbishop, Cardinal José Cobo, will share and renew their faith and hope, Francis, in a brief and warm video message, with an energetic and youthful tone, invites them to make a mess, to be brave and to stay creative and on the move, so as not to run the risk of being dead in life.

“I want to be close to you, I want to accompany you in your work, but do not forget that a young person who does not create movement, a young person who is still, is an old dead person. Have courage and go forward. Move!”.

As always, in his words to the young, Francis encourages them to make a fuss, a great fuss, even if it is an invitation – as he said – “that some people do not like”. At the same time, however, in this fuss, he calls them to dialogue and listen to the older people, guardians of the roots of a people.

“Make a fuss, make a fuss. But that constructive fuss is born from ideals, and along with that, that paradox of making a fuss and dialogizing with everyone. Please discuss with the elders, who are the wisdom of a people, and listen to them. And let them listen to you, do not break the roots of the people”.

Roots that are the foundation and stimulus for renewal and creativity

A tree that cuts its roots no longer has sap. Hold on to the roots, but with creativity. A young person who is not creative has no life. He is a living dead. Go ahead, girls, boys, have courage and do not lose your joy.

Do not lose your joy and do not lose your good humor, two pieces of advice with which Francis concluded his brief message, not without first offering his blessing.

May the Lord fill you with joy. Do not lose your sense of humor. May the Lord fill you with humor and grace. May God bless you, I give you my blessing. And you, please, do not forget to pray for me. Please, of course!

Madrid Live Meeting 2024

This Saturday, October 5, the youth of Madrid met at 5:00 p.m. at the Conciliar Seminary of Madrid for a series of meetings and workshops on the renewal of faith, in a path of preparation for the Jubilee 2025. The topics were very varied, from how to bring hope to social networks or how to bring the Social Doctrine of the Church to active life, to topics such as affection among adolescents, young leadership in the style of Jesus, dating, digital sexual education and pornography, bioethics or the prevention of abuse, mistreatment and violence, among many others.

At around 8:00 p.m., the Eucharist took place in the Almudena Cathedral, presided over by Cardinal José Cobo, followed by “Hope Night: Meet&Greet”, a party enlivened by a live concert by Hakuna, Paola Pablo, Jaqui Lin, Joan Sánchez, famous Catholic groups and artists from Spain. In this context, young people were able to listen to and see the enthusiastic message of Pope Francis.