Forgiveness from the wound

Forgiveness is not just a personal relief; it is an act that can take souls to heaven

God commands us to forgive! - Collection - Museo Nacional del Prado

Today, I want to speak to you again about a topic that never stops being relevant: forgiveness. We have touched on this topic on other occasions, but there is always room to go deeper and add new perspectives that can shed light on our lives.

How to Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt Me

I am often asked: “Father, how do I forgive? I forgive, but I don’t forget; I forgive, but I don’t heal; I forgive, but I’m not sure if I’ve really forgiven.” These doubts are common and reflect the complexity of the forgiveness process. Below, I share a little light to help you on this path.

1. Have Compassion
Having compassion is key in the process of forgiveness. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, we see how he felt compassion for the wounded man, approaching and healing him. Jesus teaches us that compassion is fundamental. To feel compassion means to “suffer with” the person who has offended you. Reflect on what may have led that person to hurt you. Although it is not about justifying the offense, understanding the other person’s pain can facilitate forgiveness.

2. Forgive, Even If You Don’t Feel It
Forgiveness is not always felt immediately. Sometimes, simply saying “I forgive you” is enough to begin the healing process, both for you and for the person who offended you. Although healing can take time, the act of forgiving can be a crucial first step, regardless of whether the feeling of peace comes later.

3. Look with Mercy
God forgives our sins no matter how serious they are. Just as we have received His mercy, we are called to be merciful to others. Jesus taught us to forgive in order to be forgiven, and this is an act that brings us closer to divine grace.

4. Forgive from the Heart
Forgiveness from the heart is essential. It is not just about words, but a genuine desire to free oneself from resentment and to contribute to the salvation of the other’s soul. This kind of forgiveness purifies us and helps us live with a clear conscience, bringing us closer to God.

5. Think about Heaven
Forgiveness is a path to heaven, both for you and for the person who has offended you. Refusing to forgive can fuel resentment and distance you from inner peace. By forgiving, you facilitate your own path to salvation and can help the other find redemption as well.

6. There Is No Offense Impossible to Forgive
History is full of examples of extraordinary forgiveness, such as that of St. John Paul II, who forgave his aggressor, or St. Bakhita, who forgave those who enslaved her. These acts of forgiveness show us that there is no offense impossible to overcome with God’s help.


Forgiveness is not just a personal relief; it is an act that can bring souls to heaven, both yours and those who have offended you. Living with a pure and merciful heart not only prepares you for eternal life, but also transforms your life here on earth, filling it with peace and happiness.

Let us forgive from the heart and do all the good we can. May God bless you always.

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