31 March, 2025

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Spiritual closeness of Pope Francis on the occasion of the reopening of the Pontifical Representation in Honduras

Speech by H.E. Mons. Edgar Peña Parra

Spiritual closeness of Pope Francis on the occasion of the reopening of the Pontifical Representation in Honduras

Visiting Tegucigalpa for the inauguration of the headquarters of the pontifical representation, the substitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State, Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, recalled the “long history of diplomatic relations between the Holy See” and the Honduran State, which has maintained “solid bilateral relations” for years.

We publish below the speech of H.E. Mons. Edgar Peña Parra, Substitute for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State, spoke on July 12, 2024, on the occasion of the reopening of the Pontifical Representation in Honduras:


Speech by H.E. Mons. Edgar Peña Parra

Her Excellency Doris Gutiérrez, Presidential Designate of Honduras;

Illustrious members of the Government and the Diplomatic Corps;

His Excellency Apostolic Nuncio and collaborators;

Dear brothers in the Episcopate;

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Good morning, I would like to begin by conveying to everyone present the cordial greetings and spiritual closeness of Pope Francis.

Doing so is appropriate, since this Apostolic Nunciature is a clear sign of the Holy Father’s concern and concern for the Church, the people and the Authorities of this noble Country.

I am pleased to be here with all of you for the reopening of this Pontifical Representation, recalling a long history of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of Honduras. Looking at its flag, we could say that these relationships are born from the heart of God and his love for his people. Many say that its blue, common to other American flags, is inspired by the light blue of the Immaculate Virgin, but this has a deeper tone, because being the same Heaven that is seen in its waters, the depth of the hearts of its people reflects it with greater intensity than in other regions. It seems that even Christopher Columbus himself was right about this when he approached its coast.

A note in the Archive of the Secretariat of State confirms the beginning of diplomatic relations with Honduras as early as 1861. But these relations, however, had to be interrupted soon to be resumed at the beginning of the last century, with a Pontifical Representative to several countries of the area of ​​Central America, resident in Guatemala.

It will be in 1933 when Honduras hosts the first Nunciature erected in its capital. Since then, there has never been a lack of a Pontifical Representative in this blessed land.

The Pontifical Representatives, beyond the diplomatic work carried out by them, have also been prelates, people who have dearly loved this land. How can we not remember, among them, the excellent example of Mons. Federico Lunardi, who would become one of the most illustrious historians of Honduras, and so many other illustrious prelates who loved and served here in Honduars. I myself held the position of counselor in this Apostolic Nunciature from 2002 to 2006, with Their Excellencies the Apostolic Nuncios Mons. George Panikulam and Mons. Antonio Arcari. Beautiful and intense years, in which I carried out gratifying diplomatic and priestly work, thanks to the welcome that the Honduran Church gave me.

The reopening of this Apostolic Nunciature demonstrates the solid bilateral relations that have existed for years between the Republic of Honduras and the Holy See. These are based on the priority interest of the Church, to be – as Pope Francis stated – “an attentive and sensitive observer of the problems that affect humanity, with the sincere and humble desire to put itself at the service of the good of every human being” and its development in an integral and global way (cf. Speech by Pope Francis to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, January 7, 2019).

For the Church, every man and every woman is a beloved child of God and creation itself is seen as a gift that the Lord has left as the responsibility of all humanity.

Affectionately, we call this See the home of the Pope in Honduras, because the work of the Apostolic Nuncio is also to take care of the relationship of the local Church with the Holy Father and the Holy See. In this way, the Apostolic Nuncio embodies the concern of the successor of Peter and of the universal Church, for this fraction of the People of God that is pilgrim in Honduras, as a sign of communion of all its members with the Mystical Body of Christ.

In conclusion, I wish to express my gratitude to the Apostolic Nuncio H.E. Mons. Gábor Pintér, to Mons. Giacomo Antonicelli, Secretary, to the Sisters of Martha and Mary and to the collaborators, in particular to all those who have made the completion of this work possible with so much effort and dedication. A pleasant memory also goes to H.E. Bishop Novatus Rugambwa, who in his time began the remodeling of the nuns’ house.

Thank you all very much for the time and effort dedicated to making this wish to renovate the Holy Father’s house come true. Thank you for your kind attention, and please receive once again the spiritual closeness of Pope Francis when he inaugurates his house in Honduras.

Thank you so much.

[Original text: Spanish]


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