25 March, 2025

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2025 Goals: Cultivate Friendships with Three Simple Phrases

“Please,” “Thank You,” and “Sorry” can bring you closer to your personal goals and strengthen friendships

2025 Goals: Cultivate Friendships with Three Simple Phrases

Several days into this new year 2025, surely all or the vast majority of you have set goals and objectives to achieve in the different areas of your lives. In that sense, it is worth remembering that an objective is associated with measurable actions in the short term that help achieve a larger goal.

For that reason, I am going to put on the table three objectives associated with simple and powerful words at the same time (please, thank you, and sorry) that will surely make us better people in all areas of our personal, family, and of course work life. These will bring us closer to our personal goals.

During these Christmas and New Year holidays, I am sure that we have all sent and received greetings and congratulations through the different social networks. I have not been oblivious to this, and even more so with our imminent trip to a new work destination (Bogotá, Colombia). And in that sense, I want to share with you, in summary, an episode related to this stage.

In these three years living in Argentina, we had the opportunity to meet very welcoming people and families, developing a very special level of closeness with the García-Costa, Picciafuoco, Semenzato, Moyano, Goñi, Trueba, Fernández-Gorgolas and Fagalde. Each of these families and couples, with their particularities and proximity, gave us their friendship, time and opened their hearts to each one of us.

In that sense, some of us found them when they welcomed us in February 2022 and accompanied us in those first days, others inviting us to share a barbecue on Sunday (family day par excellence in Argentina), patiently teaching us how to prepare it in the Argentine style, always looking out for us, sharing advice, family missions or simply being there at the foot of the cannon.

That is why I believe that when a person frequently uses those three words that I mentioned in the previous paragraphs (please, thank you and sorry) a real magic happens. I believe that if you give selflessly, you will receive even more.

As I wrote in a message that I sent in a group chat, I believe that many anecdotes will remain in the minds and hearts of our Perucha family.

So I have nothing left to say to you, wonderful families that GOD put on our pilgrimage through Argentina: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

In this regard, I share with you with humility and without boasting, because I am aware that we can always improve, some responses-messages from these friends upon receiving my farewell/thank you message.

  • “You give love, you receive love” that is what I tell my children for life. So clearly you were also responsible for having formed these bonds. I wish you all the best in Colombia.
  • What a luxury the friendship that has been achieved through our daughters and that will transcend any border!
  • Oh Hugo! If everyone has been so generous and good with you, it is because you deserve it! We are here, and we will be here for your girls, who are already a little bit ours!
  • They are Grossos, they have no more than they deserve. That is life, if they receive a lot it is because you did not stay behind, also giving a lot and more! Friends forever!
  • You make us cry Huguito! As they say now, it is not a farewell, but a see you later. The pleasure is always ours, finding people and families that are worth so much, is always a GREAT GIFT.
  • Thank you, Hugo and Jessi for such a nice message! Thank you for your openness and friendship! We love you! The truth is that you are brave. I imagine that you will tell your Peruvian friends about these crazy Argentines.
  • We consider you great Friends! You opened the doors of your house to us with a generosity, warmth and smile that made us feel really special. We were lucky enough to meet in 2022 and for our daughters to become inseparable friends. You left a mark on us, and we are sure that this friendship, with strong roots, will continue from a distance. We wish you the best in this new stage in Colombia

To conclude, I share a phrase that fits like a glove:

San Juan de la Cruz, 16th century, “In the twilight of our lives we will be judged in love”

Do you dare to always keep these simple but powerful words close to your heart: please, thank you and sorry. And to give everything and keep rowing against the current?

Hugo Saldaña Estrada

Gerente de Showroom Ventas en Roca SAC. Veinte años de experiencia, generando valor en empresas transnacionales y de primer nivel a través de la gestión integral de procesos de recursos humanos, tales como selección de talento, estrategias de compensaciones, evaluación del desempeño y gestión del clima laboral.