13 March, 2025

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Alfons Gea


10 February, 2025

2 min

12 Keys to Strengthen the Family: A Path to Unity and Growth

12 Keys to Strengthen the Family: A Path to Unity and Growth

12 Keys to Strengthen the Family: A Path to Unity and Growth

The last few holidays have been, for many, moments of joy and reunion, but also of family tensions. Although the family is, according to recent surveys, the most appreciated value in society, it can also be a source of difficulties. Below, we present 12 keys to strengthen the family entity and promote harmony in the home.

  1. The family is sacred
    The family is not just a group of individuals, but a magical and sacred ecosystem. If it breaks down, the damage not only affects its members but also the entire society. We must treat it with delicacy and respect as if we were walking barefoot on sacred ground.
  2. The family is not chosen, it is a gift
    Unlike friends, who come and go, the family is the foundation of our existence and personality. It is a gift from nature and from God, and without it we would not exist. Accepting this gift with gratitude is essential.
  3. Transforming diversity into wealth
    Differences between family members can generate rivalries, but they are also a source of enrichment. Diversity should be a reason for complementarity, not conflict.
  4. The family gives identity
    We are who we are because someone recognizes us. The family is the first place where we are given identity, where we hear “this is my son” or “this is my mother.” This mutual recognition strengthens our self-esteem.
  5. Believing in others
    Every child is a project in development, and each member of the family needs to feel that someone believes in him. This support is vital for both the youngest and the oldest.
  6. Managing conflicts with patience
    Misunderstandings and arguments are inevitable, but breaking ties is not the solution. Patience and waiting are key, since some processes and changes take time.
  7. Assuming responsibilities
    The hierarchy in the family does not imply domination, but the assumption of responsibilities. Adults must guide and educate, preventing children from assuming roles that do not correspond to them.
  8. Having fun together
    Sharing moments of leisure and fun strengthens family ties. Dialogue and recreational activities help create positive memories.
  9. Collaboration and obedience
    Obedience in the family does not mean submission, but collaboration in a common project. It is working together for the well-being of all.
  10. Openness to society
    The family should not be a closed enclosure. It should be open to society, incorporate new members and accept the differences they bring, which contributes to its growth and vitality.
  11. God at the centre
    For believers, God is the protagonist of the family. Our mission transcends the personal, and when the family project is exhausted in itself, it loses its vitality.
  12. Reflection and prayer
    Reflection, self-evaluation and prayer are essential for family health. Spending time thinking, feeling and praying helps overcome conflicts and gives new energy to the family.

These 12 keys, one for each month of the year, can serve as a guide to strengthen family ties. If any of them helps you, welcome!

Alfons Gea

Licenciado en Teología en Facultad de Teología de Barcelona (1988). Diplomado en Magisterio – profesor EGB. Universidad de Barcelona (1990). Licenciado en Psicopedagogia. Universidad Ramón Llull, (1994). Responsable del Servicio de Atención al Duelo de Funeraria Municipal de Terrassa (2001-2022). Terapeuta en Gabinete Gedi - Psicología aplicada (2022). Párroco de St. Viucente de Jonquereas, de Sabadell (2012). Articulista en revistas especializadas y prensa comarcal. Formador en atención al duelo de profesionales sanitarios y sociosanitarios: Trabajadoras sociales, psicólogas/os, médicas, enfermería, maestras (1995). Ha participado en varios programas de opinión y debate de televisiones y radios nacionales. Anteriormente ejerció como asistente espiritual de los hospitales en Terrassa: San Lázaro, Mutua, y Hospital de Terrassa (1997-2018. Fue párroco de la parroquia Virgen de Montserrat de Terrassa (1997-2013) y responsable de Formación de la Delegación de Pastoral de la Salud de la diócesis de Barcelona (1995-2005). Delegado episcopal de Pastoral de la salud de la diócesis de Terrassa (2005-2012). Coordinador de la Pastoral de la Salud de la Conferencia episcopal catalana. Maestro de EGB, Coordinador de secundaria, subdirector de escuela, jefe de gabinete psicopedagógico, fundador y director del Centro Sara – casa de acogida para enfermos de SIDA, educador en situaciones de riesgo social, Fundador del Taller Solidario – centro de inserción laboral.