He distributed to those who were seated everything they wanted: Commentary by Fr. Jorge Miró

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Fr. Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, July 21, 2024, entitled “He distributed to those who were seated whatever they wanted.”


The Word of God that we proclaim today poses one of the problems that has always concerned humanity of all times: hunger and thirst for happiness and plenitude.

Indeed, the person, as an intelligent being open to God, constantly experiences how material things, although they are attractive and give us a certain immediate satisfaction, are not capable of satisfying the hunger and thirst for happiness and plenitude that we have.

What is it that can satisfy our hunger? The Word of God gives us the answer: God. Only God is enough!  of filling our hearts, He is the only one capable of making us completely happy. The heart of man is so big and deep that only God can fill it. As St. Augustine said: You made us for yourself, Lord, and our heart will be restless until it rests in You.

Therefore, when we put our heart into material things, we end up dissatisfied, full of things, but empty of meaning… We sometimes live in a frantic search for novelty, because deep down nothing has fulfilled us. This is one of the consequences of materialism, relativism and the hedonism of the society in which we live.

In the face of this situation, we must invoke the Holy Spirit, to realize that only the encounter with Jesus Christ alive and risen can make you completely happy.

Therefore, if you discover that your heart is empty, if you discover that you are not happy, you will have to change the direction of your search. As St. Augustine said: Look for what you are looking for, but not where you are looking for it. That is, seek happiness, but do not seek it in material things (you will not find it there), seek it in God! He will fill your soul, he will not take away the difficulties of life, but he will make them meaningful and help you grow.

For this reason, it is important that you consider how you are living, how and where your heart is. It is important that you take serious care of your spiritual life to be filled with God: prayer, listening to the Word, the Eucharist, the sacrament of Forgiveness, works of mercy help you to be filled with God and to find the true path to happiness. Take courage! Put yourself in God’s hands! Rest in Him! Discover the path to happiness and decide to follow it!

Come Holy Spirit! (cf. Lk 11:13).